Friday, September 23, 2011

A Night Out At The Movies

First off, I'd like to thank my friend Kyle Marshall for putting together a great show last night and for asking me to do some artwork for it.  It really was a great collection of varied works, all inspiring.

I've posted my piece for the show above and in going with the theme of the show I did a take on Bullitt, the idea for which I owe my lovely wife.

Due to some requests at the show I'm going to explore the idea of selling some prints either here or some sort of online store.  Hopefully I can get my lovely wife to help with that as well.

(Thanks also to the mystery person who bought the print last night.)

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

If anyone happens to be in Ottawa tonight be sure to drop by OZ Kafe on Elgin St. and check out some fantastic work by some great artists working in the animation industry.  I gladly contributed one piece and can't wait to see what everyone else has to offer.

See you there.

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