Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tis The Season...

I'm really excited to let everybody know that a selection of my artwork is now available online. There are a bunch of options ranging from prints on paper to canvas to fully framed prints. I'm trying this out for a bit to see how it goes. There is a link to my gallery on the right hand side of my blog or you can click here: My Online Shop. More artwork will become available as it's created so please check it out often!

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Here's a slick little poster done by my good buddy Darren Ward for an art show I'm in at the Art Flow Gallery (Unit 60-838 Somerset Street W.) here in Ottawa.  It runs from December 1st to the 18th.  Get over to check it out when you can, there will be some really great artwork from some very talented artists.

See you there!

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